ARTH 286



Lecture 24: Surrealism I: The Circle of Andre Breton

Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Matisse and Fauvism Lecture 3: German Expressionism and Die Bruecke Lecture 4: Wassily Kandinsky and Der Blaue Reiter Lecture 5: Early Picasso Lecture 6: Early Cubism / Picasso and Braque Lecture 7: The Invention of Collage
Lecture 8: Collage and Constructed Sculpture Lecture 9: Futurism Lecture 10: Futurism II Lecture 11: Puteaux Cubism Lecture 12: Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Early Duchamp Lecture 13: Rodin and Brancus Lecture 14: Russian Avant-Garde Art: Rayonism and Neo-Primitivism
Lecture 15: Russian Avant-Garde Art: Kasimir Malevich and Vladimir Tatlin Lecture 16: Towards a Revolutionary Soviet Art Lecture 17: Piet Mondrian and De Stije Lecture 18: Art After the War in France Lecture 19: The Bauhaus Lecture 20: Duchamp and Dada in New York and Paris Lecture 21: Duchamp Continued
Lecture 22: Dada: Chance and the Found Object Lecture 23: Dada in Paris, Cologne, Berlin and Hanover Lecture 24: Surrealism I: The Circle of Andre Breton Lecture 25: Surrealism II: The Circle of Georges Bataille Lecture 26: The Approach of War    

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Breton, Andre. "Automatic Drawing," 1924.
Ray, Man. "The Image of Isidore Ducasse," c. 1920.
Ernst, Max. "Histoire Naturelle," 1925.
Ernst, Max. "Histoire Naturelle," 1925.
Ernst, Max. "The Forest," 1925.
Picasso, Pablo. "Three Dancers," 1925.
Picasso, Pablo. "Minataur," 1928.
Chirico, Giorgio de. "Melancholy," 1912.
Chirico, Giorgio de. "Melancholy and Mystery of a Street," 1914.
Chirico, Giorgio de. "The Uncertainty of the Poet," 1913.
Chirico, Giorgio de. "The Song of Love," 1914.
Chirico, Giorgio de. "Hector and Andromache," 1917.
Magritte, Rene (1898-1967). "The False Mirror," 1928.
Magritte, Rene. "Le Modele Rouge II (The Red Model II)," 1937.
Magritte, Rene. "Key of Dreams," 1930.
Magritte, Rene. "Ceci n'est pas une Pipe," 1928.
Magritte, Rene. "Treachery of Images," 1928-29.
Magritte, Rene. "Not to be Reproduced," 1937.
Magritte, Rene. "The Human Condition," 1934.
Magritte, Rene. "The Door to Freedom," 1936.
Miro, Joan. "The Farm," 1921-2.
Miro, Joan. "Ploughed Earth," 1923-4.
Miro, Joan. "Head of a Catalan Peasant," 1925.
Miro, Joan. "Head of a Catalan Peasant," 1925.
Miro, Joan. "The Trap," 1924.
Miro, Joan. "The Birth of the World," 1925.
Man Ray, Yves Tanquy, Joan Miro and Max Morise. "Cadavre exquis - Exquisite Corpse," 1926-7.