Art History 286 Christine Poggi

Twentieth Century Art: 1900-1945


Images Index

Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Matisse and Fauvism Lecture 3: German Expressionism and Die Bruecke Lecture 4: Wassily Kandinsky and Der Blaue Reiter Lecture 5: Early Picasso Lecture 6: Early Cubism / Picasso and Braque Lecture 7: The Invention of Collage
Lecture 8: Collage and Constructed Sculpture Lecture 9: Futurism Lecture 10: Futurism II Lecture 11: Puteaux Cubism Lecture 12: Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Early Duchamp Lecture 13: Rodin and Brancus Lecture 14: Russian Avant-Garde Art: Rayonism and Neo-Primitivism
Lecture 15: Russian Avant-Garde Art: Kasimir Malevich and Vladimir Tatlin Lecture 16: Towards a Revolutionary Soviet Art Lecture 17: Piet Mondrian and De Stije Lecture 18: Art After the War in France Lecture 19: The Bauhaus Lecture 20: Duchamp and Dada in New York and Paris Lecture 21: Duchamp Continued
Lecture 22: Dada: Chance and the Found Object Lecture 23: Dada in Paris, Cologne, Berlin and Hanover Lecture 24: Surrealism I: The Circle of Andre Breton Lecture 25: Surrealism II: The Circle of Georges Bataille Lecture 26: The Approach of War    





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