Lecture 2: Portraiture

Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Police and Pornography Photography and War Documentary Revolution and Reaction
Photojournalism Identity and Politics Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Lecture 14


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Avedon, Richard (1923- ). Veiled Reds, 1978.

Smith, W. Eugene (1918-1978). Marines under Fire, Saipan, 1943.

Millet, Desire F. act. (c. 1840-1868). Couple and Child, 1854-59.

Plumbe, John Jr. (1809-1857). Mrs. Francis Luqueer.

Photography. Daguerreotype case, frame and matte.

Earl, Ralph (1751-1801). Roger Sherman, 1777-79.

Anonymous, 19th c. Blacksmiths, 1850s.

Southworth and Hawes. Charles Sumner, 1856.

Anonymous american photographer, 19th c. Edgar Allen Poe, 1848.

Anonymous american photographer, 19th c.. Frederick Douglass, 1850-55.

Southworth and Hawes. Unknown Lady.

Southworth and Hawes. Women in Southworth and Hawes studio, c. 1854.

Hill, David Octavius (1802-1870). George Meikle Kemp, c. 1843.


Anonymous, 19th c. Unidentified Confederate Soldier, c. 1861.

Anonymous, 19th c. Daguerreotype of Dead Child, c. 1850.

Anonymous. Hand of Cartes-de-Visite, c. 1865.

Disderi, Andre Adolph Eugene. Unidentified Woman, c. 1860-65.

Disderi, Andre A. E. Adelaide Ristori as Medea Carte de Visite, 1858.

Anonymous, 19th c. Portrait of Workers, 1862-67.

London Steroscopic Company. The Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham.
Sarony, Napoleon (1821-1896). Sarah Bernhardt, c. 1880.
Reynolds, J. Mrs. Siddons as Tragic Muse. 1784.
Pierson, Louis (1818-1913). Countess Castiglione, c. 1860.
Sander, August (1876-1964).
Nadar (1820-1910). Sarah Bernhardt, 1855.
Nadar (1820-1910). Gioacchino Rossini, 1855-65.
Nadar (1820-1910). Photographer's Wife, 1863.
Nadar. Portrait of a West Indian, 1854-59.
Cameron, Julia Margaret. My Niece Julia Jackson, 1867.
Cameron, Julia Margaret. Sir J. F. W. Merschel, April 1867.
Mathew Brady Studio, or Debourg Richards. John c. Calhoun, c. 1849.
Zealy, J. T. act. 1850s. Renty, Congo on plantation of B. F. Taylor, Colombia, South Carolina.
Brady, Mathew (c. 1823-1896). Walt Whitman, 1862.
Anonymous, 19th c. Walt Whitman, c. 1854.
Anonymous american photographer. Walt Whitman, 1891.
Anonymous, 19th c. Walt Whitmn at 27, 1846.
Sander, August (1876-1964). Earthbound Farmer, 1910.
Sander, August (1876-1964). Unemployed Man, Cologne, 1928.
Sander, August. Persecuted Jew, Mr. Leubsdorf, 1938.
Sander, August. SS Officer, 1937.