ARTH 251

Early Renaissance in Italy
Professor: Pastore
Lecture 1:

1. Baldini, Baccio, Mercury, c.1460.
2. Map of Italy in the Fifteenth Century.
3. Photograph of Virgin and Child Casts, Museo Bardini, 19th Century.
4. Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, whole, view under restoration, 1983.
5. Roman Sarcophagus with Mercury Psychopompus Emerging from the Gate of Hades, 3rd Century, AD.
6. Pollaiolo, Antonio del, Hercules.
7. Tetrarchs, whole.
8. Augustus of Prima Porta, whole.
9. Drawing Book, Giorgio Vasari and Filippo Lippi.
10. Michelangelo, Last Judgement, whole, restored, Rome, Vatican.
11. Foppa, Vincenzo, Della Rovere Altarpiece, 1490.
12. Sellaio, Jacopo del, Morelli-Nerli Cassone, end.
13. Bambino of Aracoeli, 15th Century, Rome, S. Maria d'Aracoeli.
14. Carpaccio, Vittore, Vision of Prior Ottobon, c.1515.

Nanni di Banco, Four Saints, base of tabernacle, sculptors and stonemasons at work, c.1415.

16. Bandinelli, Baccio, Self-Portrait, c.1530.
17. Anguissola, Sofonisba, Bernardino Campi Painting Sofonisba Anguissola, 1550's.
18. Rossi, Properzia de', Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, c.1525-6.
19. De Sphaera Manuscript, c.1450-60.
20. Licinio, Bernardino, The Artist and His Nephews, 1530's.
21. Gaddi, Taddeo, Presentation of the Virgin in Temple [drawing], c.1332.
22. Gaddi, Taddeo, Baroncelli Chapel, Presentation of the Virgin, c.1328-1330.
23. Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono), Sir John Hawkwood ,whole.
24. Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono), Sir John Hawkwood, (Preparatory Drawing), c.1436.
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