Art History 282/682, Modern Architecture

Image List for Week 5, Class 2

Le Corbusier to 1930

Class Handout


Le Corbusier, Dom-ino concrete housing system, 1914

Le Corbusier, sketches of Dom-ino houses, 1914-1915

Le Corbusier, Villa Schwob, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 1916

Le Corbusier, Still Life, 1920

Comparison of the temple at Paestum, Italy and the Parthenon in Athens, Greece with two automobiles, from Le Corbusier, Vers un architecture, 1923

Le Corbusier, Maison Citrohan project, 1922

Le Corbusier, Workers' Housing, Pessac, near Bourdeaux, France, 1924

Le Corbusier, House and Studio for Amédée Ozenfant, Paris, 1923

Le Corbusier, Maison La Roche/Jeanneret, Paris, 1923-1924