ARTH 220/660

Greek Art and Architecture
Professor: Haselberger
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Lecture 11

1. Early Classical (Greek) Youth from Athenian Acropolis
2. Early Classical (Greek) Kritios Boy
3. Early Classical (Greek) Youth from Athenian Acropolis. Kritios Boy detail: head
4. Early Classical (Greek) Youth from Athenian Acropolis. Kritios Boy detail: torso front
5. Early Classical (Greek) Youth from Athenian Acropolis. Kritios Boy detail: torso front right
6. Early Classical (Greek) Youth from Athenian Acropolis. Kritios Boy detail: head and shoulders, front right
7. Polycleitos (Greek) Doryphorus detail: whole front without spear
8. Polycleitos (Greek) Doryphorus diagram showing skeletal structure by L. Stocker
9. Polycleitos (Greek) Diadoumenos detail: whole front
10. Polycleitos (Greek) Diadoumenos detail: drawing
11. Polycleitos (Greek) Diadoumenos detail: front w/lines showing the compositional effects of using contrapposto
12. Polycleitos (Greek) Diadoumenos detail: whole frontal view without head
13. Archaic (Greek) Cleobis and Biton from Delphi
14. Archaic (Greek) New York Kouros, from Attica
15. Polycleitos (Greek) Doryphorus detail: frontal view
16. Greek Sculpture nude male posing
17. Hellenistic (Greek) Laocoon Group detail: torso front
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