History of Art 101 ImageSearch

Surfing the Net for text and image

ImageSearch is a simple mechanism intended to provide a channel for student-initiated review and research of the numerous images introduced in lectures and sections. Please be advised that the images downloaded to the History of Art server are limited to those chosen for presentation as part of History of Art 101 and that outside sources are a similarly available for a more complete understanding of formal and art historical issues.

Images are catalogued within a text file that can be browsed by the search engine for keywords. A search with the keywords: "female" will produce an index of pages with those documents in the History of Art 101 directory that include the term. Clicking on the highlighted URLs links to the hypertext document that includes the image and accompanying text. Specificity (eg. "hellenistic" or "venus") is a good tool in swiftly locating a single desired image such as the Venus de Milo (on left); however, general keyword selections can also be used to produce image groups for formal or stylistic comparisons. Click on this image to access the search engine
Updated August 29, 1995
Maintained by cpastore@mail.sas.upenn.edu